Wild and Edible Flowers

Wild and Edible Flowers

It's the beginning of spring, the sun is out and it's a great time of year for foraging. We are under lock down at the moment, so my daughters and I been foraging for flowers in our overgrown garden. I've found Primroses, Wild Violets, Forget-me-Nots and Dandelions, which are all edible.

Violets are also known to strengthen the immune system, ease coughs and respiratory conditions. The Ancient Greeks wore crowns adorned with violets to relieve headaches and aid sleep.

Primroses can be transformed into crystalised cake decorations be brushing them with an egg white wash and dipping them in sugar.

Dandelions can be used to make Dandelion Wine

We've been using the fresh flowers to decorate cakes and make pretty ice cubes. They can also be used as a garnish for salads. 


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